API Integrations in Python Blog - Page 4

Converting SOAP and WSDL into REST APIs


Even if most of new APIs today are built around REST, there are still already existing, production applications and systems that expose their APIs using SOAP and WSDL only - in today's article we are integrating with a SOAP service in order to expose it as a REST interface to external applications. Read more

Checking your Zato version details


The seemingly simple zato --version command packs in several interesting details that are helpful in understanding what Zato version one currently uses - let's find out what they all mean. Read more

Understanding WebSocket API timeouts


Zato WebSocket channels let you accept long-running API connections and, as such, they have a few settings to fine tune their usage of timeouts. Let's discover what they are and how to use them. Read more

API publish/subscribe between Zato services


One of the additions in the upcoming Zato 3.2 release of is an extension to its publish/subscribe mechanism that lets services publish messages directly to other services. Let's check how to use it and how it compares to other means of invoking one's API services. Read more

Setting advanced options of SQL connection pools


In this article, we will cover the details of how Zato SQL connection pools can be configured to take advantage of features and options specific to a particular driver or to the SQLAlchemy library. Read more

Configuring API details via environment variables


Today, we are looking at how environment variables can be used to let the configuration of your Zato API services be reusable across environments - this will help you centralize all of your configuration artefacts without a need for changes when code is promoted across environments of different levels. Read more

Integrating with IBM MQ in Python


Using Zato, it is easy to make IBM MQ queues available to Python applications - this article will lead you step-by-step through the process of setting up the Python integration platform to listen for MQ messages and to send them to MQ queue managers. Read more

Why Zato and Python make sense for complex API integrations


This article is an excerpt from the broader set of changes to our documentation in preparation for Zato. Read it to learn more about Zato and the usage of Python in API integrations. Read more

New REST programming examples


As we are preparing to release Zato 3.2 soon, all the programming examples are being rewritten to showcase what the platform is capable of. That includes REST examples too and this article presents a few samples taken from the documentation. Read more

How to integrate API systems in Python


With the imminent release of Zato 3.2, we are happy today to announce the availability of a new API integrations tutorial. Let's quickly check what it offers. Read more