API Integrations in Python Blog - Page 2

New API Integration Tutorial in Python


Large organizations rely heavily on deep-backend software systems which are integrated and automated using principled methodologies, innovative techniques and well-defined implementation frameworks. If you'd like to learn how to integrate and automate such complex systems correctly, check the new API integration tutorial that will show you how to do it in Python too. Read more

Systems Automation in Python


Did you know you can use Python as an integration platform for your airport systems? It's Open Source too. Read more

SSH commands as API microservices


This is a quick guide on how to turn SSH commands into a REST API service. The use-case may be remote administration of devices or equipment that does not offer a REST interface or making sure that access to SSH commands is restricted to selected external REST-based API clients only. Read more

IMAP and OAuth2 Integrations with Microsoft 365


Microsoft 365 requires for all IMAP connections to use OAuth2. This can be challenging to configure in server-side automation and orchestration processes so Zato offers an automated that lets you access emails without requiring you to get into low-level OAuth2 details. Read more

Web scraping as an API service


In systems-to-systems integrations, there comes an inevitable time when we have to employ some kind of a web scraping tool to integrate with a particular application. Despite its not being our first choice, it is good to know what to use at such a time - in this article, I provide a gentle introduction to my favorite tool of this kind, called Playwright. Read more

Meaningful automation in Python


An introduction to meaningful automation, integrations, interoperability with Zato and service-oriented thinking in Python. Read more

Salesforce API integrations and connected apps


This instalment in a series of articles about API integrations with Salesforce covers connected apps - how to create them and how to obtain their credentials needed to exchange REST messages with Salesforce. Read more

HL7 FHIR Security with Basic Auth, OAuth and SSL/TLS


An explanation of how and when to use Basic Auth, OAuth and SSL/TLS security definitions in HL7 FHIR connections. Read more

What is an API gateway?


In this article, we are going to use Zato in its capacity as a multi-protocol Python API gateway - we will integrate a few popular technologies, accepting requests sent over protocols commonly used in frontend systems, enriching and passing them to backend systems and returning responses to the API clients using their preferred data formats. Read more

API Testing in Pure English


Do you have 20 minutes to learn how to test APIs in pure English, without any programming needed? Great, read on for the details. Read more