zato quickstart


Remember: If you're starting out with Zato, use Docker Quickstart. It's going to start a fully working environment for you in 5 minutes and then you can focus on your real integration and automation work. Use the instructions below only if you're an advanced user.

Repeat: Use Docker Quickstart if you're new to Zato.

Quickly creates a fully operational Zato cluster that can be used for any purposes, from development, testing, up to product production.

On a successful completion, an environment comprised of the following components will be created.

├── ca
├── load-balancer
├── scheduler
├── server1
├── web-admin

The CA will generate crypto certificates and all the components will be configured to make use of them.

The Dashboard's user to log in with is 'admin' and its randomly generated password will be printed out to screen (indicated as <password> in usage examples below). If needed, use zato update password to change it.

Usage examples

This example uses an embedded SQLite database by default, which means that the example is self-contained and it does not need any prerequisites.

$ zato quickstart ~/env/production1
Creating directory `/home/zato/env/production1`
[1/8] Certificate authority created
[2/8] ODB schema created
[3/8] ODB initial data created
[4/8] server1 created
[5/8] Load-balancer created
Superuser created successfully.
[6/8] Dashboard created
[7/8] Scheduler created
[8/8] Management scripts created
Quickstart cluster quickstart-663294 created
Dashboard user:[admin], password:[<password>]
Start the cluster by issuing the /home/zato/env/production1/ command
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This example creates a new quickstart cluster using a standalone MySQL database which must exist prior to the execution of the quickstart command:

$ zato quickstart ~/env/production2 \
    --odb-type mysql \
    --odb-host localhost \
    --odb-port 3306 \
    --odb-user zato1 \
    --odb-db-name zato1

ODB database password (will not be echoed):
Enter the odb_password again (will not be echoed):

[1/8] Certificate authority created
[2/8] ODB schema created
[3/8] ODB initial data created
[4/8] server1 created
[5/8] server2 created
[6/8] Load-balancer created
Superuser created successfully.
[7/8] Web admin created
[8/8] Management scripts created
Quickstart cluster quickstart-555016 created
Dashboard user:[admin], password:[<password>]
Start the cluster by issuing the /home/zato/env/production2/ command
Visit for more information and support options