Python IMAP email - including Microsoft 365 and OAuth2

After creating an IMAP connection in Dashboard, messages can be fetched, mark as seen and deleted, as in the examples below.

The same code works with classic IMAP as well as with Microsoft 365 and Azure (OAuth2) connections. It is only a matter of providing the correct credentials in your Dashboard and Python code is the same as below - no knowledge of Microsoft 365 or OAuth2 is required.

Receiving e-mails

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Zato
from zato.server.service import Service

class MyService(Service):

    def handle(self):
        conn ='My Connection').conn

        for msg_id, msg in conn.get():

            # Access the message

Marking messages seen

Call .mark_seen() on a message object to mark it as seen.

from zato.server.service import Service

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Zato
class MyService(Service):

    def handle(self):
        conn ='My Connection').conn

        for msg_id, msg in conn.get():

            # Access the message

            # To mark the message seen

Deleting messages

Call .delete() on a message object to mark it as deleted.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Zato
from zato.server.service import Service

class MyService(Service):

    def handle(self):
        conn ='My Connection').conn

        for msg_id, msg in conn.get():

            # Access the message

            # To delete the message

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