- Python API

Super-users may look up other users using several search criteria, such as display name, user ID or username. Consult the introduction to user search APIs for more information on how the parameters can be combined.

In Python, to find users, a zato.sso.SearchCtx object is created and filled in with the desired criteria, e.g. last name to find or pagination configuration.

On output, a list of results is returned, possibly empty or with one matching element only, along with metadata describing what is being returned, such as current page or total number of results. By default, all users are returned in groups of 50 per page.

Passwords are never returned on output.

SearchCtx has the following properties that can be set and none of them is required.

user_idstring---ID of user to find (will match either one or no user)
usernamestring---Username (ditto)
emailstring---E-mail (There is no requirement that it be unique)
display_namestring---Match by display name
first_namestring---Match by first name
middle_namestring---Match by middle name
last_namestring---Match by last name
sign_up_statusstring---User's sign up status, must be one of`: before_confirmation, to_approve, final
approval_statusstring---User's approval status, must be one of`: before_decision, approved, rejected
paginateboolTrueShould the results be paginated
cur_pageint1Current page to return from a list of result pages (counted from 1)
page_sizeint50How many results to return on a single page to join name criteria (display/first/middle/last name), by AND or OR
is_name_exactboolTrueAre name criteria considered exact values to match or are they sub-strings

search(self, cid, ctx, current_ust, current_app, remote_addr)

Looks up users by input criteria and returns a list of results, possibly empty or with only one matching user.

  • cid: Correlation ID used by audit log
  • ctx: Search configuration
  • current_ust: Current user's UST
  • current_app: Name of application the current user is issuing the call from
  • remote_addr: User's remote address
  • Returns: A dictionary of metadata describing the result and a list of results

On output, all of the keys pertaining to metadata will always exist:

totalintHow many users matched input criteria in total
num_pagesintHow many pages of results there are (counted from 1)
page_sizeintWhat is the size of an individual page (rewritten from input)
cur_pageintWhat is the current page that is returned (counted from 1)
has_next_pageboolIs there a next page to navigate to
has_prev_pageboolIs there a previous page to navigate to
next_pageintWhat is the next page to navigate to (counted from 1 and applicable only if has_next_page is True)
prev_pageintWhat is the previous page to navigate to (counted from 1 and applicable only if has_prev_page is True)

Each element in the list of results is a zato.sso.User object, representing a particular user, with attributes as below. Further, the object's .to_dict() method will serialize all the data to a Python dictionary.

user_idstring---ID of the user returned
usernamestring---Username of the user
display_namestringYesDisplay name
first_namestringYesFirst name
middle_namestringYesMiddle name
last_namestringYesLast name
is_totp_enabledboolYesShould TOTP-based two factor authentication be enabled for user
totp_keystringYesAuto-generated User's TOTP key, one will be auto-generated for user if it is not given on input, even if is_totp_enabled is False
totp_labelstringYesAn arbitrary label assigned to user's TOTP key for convenience
is_activeboolYes(Reserved for future use)
is_internalboolYesDoes the account belong to Zato internally?
is_super_userboolYesIs the user a super-user?
is_approval_neededboolYesIs a super-user's approval needed for this account to become fully active?
approval_statusstringYesCurrent approval status, one of`: before_decision, approved, rejected
approval_status_mod_bystringYesBy whom the approval status was last changed, will be 'auto' for users created from command line
approval_status_mod_timedatetimeYesWhen was the approval status last changed
is_lockedboolYesHas this account been locked by a super-user?
locked_timestringYesIf locked, when was it?
locked_bystringYesIf locked, who by?
creation_ctxstringYes(Reserved for future use)
approv_rej_timestringYesIf approved or rejected, when was it?
approv_rej_bystringYesIf approved or rejected, who by?
password_expirystringYesWhen will that account's password expire?
password_is_setboolYes(Reserved for future use)
password_must_changeboolYesIs the user required to change password on next login?
password_last_setstringYesWhen was the password last set?
sign_up_statusstringYesSignup process status, returned values are`: before_confirmation, to_approve, final
sign_up_timedatetimeYesWhen did the user sign up with the system?
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# stdlib
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from logging import getLogger
from random import randint

# Zato
from zato.server.service import Service
from zato.sso import SearchCtx

class UserSearch(Service):
    def handle(self):

        username = 'admin1'
        password = '<password>'
        session = self.sso.user.login(
                username, password, 'CRM', '', 'My UA', False, False)

        # Search data
        ctx = SearchCtx()
        ctx.last_name = 'smith'
        ctx.page_size = 2
        ctx.cur_page = 2

        data =, ctx, session.ust, 'CRM', '')

        # Log metadata'total.................... %s', data['total'])'num_pages................ %s', data['num_pages'])'page_size................ %s', data['page_size'])'cur_page................. %s', data['cur_page'])'has_next_page............ %s', data['has_next_page'])'has_prev_page............ %s', data['has_prev_page'])'next_page................ %s', data['next_page'])'prev_page................ %s', data['prev_page'])

        # Log users found
        for row in data['result']:
  '.' * `60)
            for key, value in sorted(row.to_dict().items()):
      '%s %s', key.ljust(25), value)
INFO - total.................... 6
INFO - num_pages................ 3
INFO - page_size................ 2
INFO - cur_page................. 2
INFO - has_next_page............ True
INFO - has_prev_page............ True
INFO - next_page................ 3
INFO - prev_page................ 1
INFO - ............................................................
INFO - approval_status           approved
INFO - approval_status_mod_by    zusr69g59s4x3v9n1bwj978vfnf330
INFO - approval_status_mod_time  2023-03-10 17:41:04
INFO - creation_ctx              None
INFO - display_name              Judith Smith
INFO - email                     None
INFO - first_name                Judith
INFO - is_active                 True
INFO - is_internal               False
INFO - is_locked                 False
INFO - is_super_user             False
INFO - last_name                 Smith
INFO - locked_by                 None
INFO - locked_time               None
INFO - middle_name               None
INFO - password_expiry           2020-03-09 17:41:03
INFO - password_is_set           True
INFO - password_last_set         2023-03-10 17:41:03
INFO - password_must_change      False
INFO - sign_up_status            final
INFO - sign_up_time              2023-03-10 17:41:03
INFO - user_id                   zusr3yqm708em08yn9tqmff5n1dkb6
INFO - username                  judith.smith
INFO - ............................................................
INFO - approval_status           approved
INFO - approval_status_mod_by    zusr69g59s4x3v9n1bwj978vfnf330
INFO - approval_status_mod_time  2023-03-10 17:38:17
INFO - creation_ctx              None
INFO - display_name              Paul Greensmith
INFO - email                     None
INFO - first_name                Paul
INFO - is_active                 True
INFO - is_internal               False
INFO - is_locked                 False
INFO - is_super_user             False
INFO - last_name                 Greensmith
INFO - locked_by                 None
INFO - locked_time               None
INFO - middle_name               None
INFO - password_expiry           2020-03-09 17:38:16
INFO - password_is_set           True
INFO - password_last_set         2023-03-10 17:38:16
INFO - password_must_change      False
INFO - sign_up_status            final
INFO - sign_up_time              2023-03-10 17:38:16
INFO - user_id                   zusr3ny5pfyn4p8xp8ftp0yryjszms
INFO - username                  paul.greensmith