Download and install Docker Desktop for your operating system
On Mac, if you have Apple silicon, make sure to install all the updates for your system because newest Docker versions may be incompatible with upatched macOS systems
sudo docker run --pull=always -it --rm -p 22022:22 -p 8183:8183 -p 11223:11223 -p 17010:17010 \
--name zato-3.3-quickstart -e Zato_Log_Env_Details=True \
sudo docker exec zato-3.3-quickstart /bin/bash \
-c "cat /opt/zato/env/details/all-zato-env-details.json"
"zato_dashboard_admin_password": "...",
"zato_dashboard_admin_username": "admin",
"zato_db_host": "localhost",
"zato_db_main": "zato_db_main1",
"zato_db_password_main": "...",
"zato_db_port": "5432",
"zato_db_type": "postgresql",
"zato_db_username_main": "zato_user_main1",
"zato_env_path": "/opt/zato/env/qs-1",
"zato_ide_publisher_password": "...",
"zato_ide_publisher_username": "ide_publisher",
"zato_ssh_password": "...",
"zato_ssh_username": "zato"
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"For me, Zato Source is the only technology partner to help with operational improvements."