SessionAttr.update - Python API

Updates an already existing attribute, optionally encrypting it before it is saved in the database. It is also possible to set expiry for an attribute, upon reaching of which the attribute will be no longer available.

An exception is raised if an attribute of a given name does not already exists - use set if an attribute should be created in such a case instead of raising an exception.

There are two versions of the call - .update is used with a single attribute and .update_many is used with multiple attributes. Performance-wise, it is more efficient to use .update_many if more than one attribute should be updated for a session.


session.attr.update(self, name, value, expiration=None, encrypt=False)

  • name: Name of the attribute to update
  • value: An arbitrary value assigned to the name
  • expiration: After how many seconds, from current time, the attribute should expire
  • encrypt: Should the attribute's value be stored encrypted or not
  • Returns: (None)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Zato
from zato.server.service import Service

class SessionAttrUpdate(Service):
    def handle(self):

        # Current user's data
        username = 'admin1'
        password = 'abxqDJpXMVXYEO8NOGx9nVZvv4xSew9'
        current_app = 'CRM'
        remote_addr = ''
        user_agent = 'Firefox 139.0'

        # Log in current user
        session = self.sso.user.login(self.cid, username, password,
            current_app, remote_addr, user_agent)

        # Get current UST
        ust = session.ust

        # Get session object
        session = self.sso.user.session.get(self.cid, ust, ust, current_app, remote_addr)

        # Information about the attribute to be created and then updated
        name = 'my-attribute-abc'
        value1 = 'my-value1'
        value2 = 'my-value2'

        # Create a new attribute
        session.attr.create(name, value1)

        # Update the newly created attribute
        session.attr.update(name, value2)


session.attr.update_many(self, data, expiration=None, encrypt=False)

Updates a series of already existing user attributes.

  • `data: A list of dictionaries, each describing an attribute to update. If any key is missing, the default value is taken from the method call's parameters.
  • `expiration: After how many seconds, from now, the attribute should expire (may be overridden in each dict)
  • `encrypt: Should the attribute's value be stored encrypted or not (may be overridden in each dict)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Zato
from zato.server.service import Service

class SessionAttrUpdateMany(Service):
    def handle(self):

        # Current user's data
        username = 'admin1'
        password = 'abxqDJpXMVXYEO8NOGx9nVZvv4xSew9'
        current_app = 'CRM'
        remote_addr = ''
        user_agent = 'Firefox 139.0'

        # Log in current user
        session = self.sso.user.login(
            self.cid, username, password, current_app, remote_addr, user_agent)

        # Get current UST
        ust = session.ust

        # Get session object
        session = self.sso.user.session.get(
            self.cid, ust, ust, current_app, remote_addr)

        # Prepare a list of dictionaries with attributes to create
        data = [
            {'name':'my-attr1', 'value':'my-value1'},
            {'name':'my-attr2', 'value':'my-value2', 'encrypt':True},
            {'name':'my-attr3', 'value':'my-value3', 'expiration':3600},

        # Create new attributes

        # Now, prepare new values for the attributes
        data = [
            {'name':'my-attr1', 'value':'my-value1-abc'},
            {'name':'my-attr2', 'value':'my-value2-abc'},
            {'name':'my-attr3', 'value':'my-value3-abc'},

        # Update all of them